The injured runner - what to do

The injured runner - it's confusing what to do!

The confusion for the helpless, grumpy, injured athlete is who to turn to for help? Usually there are two avenues to choose from:

  1. Self care - where you do a series of exercises or stretches to help improve tightness or lack of firing of a certain muscle

  2. Therapist care - where treatment is delivered to you to help correct the imbalance.

Whatever you choose to do is up to you. Normally you would start with home care then seek some advice. Profeet and Chiro.London have been working together for over 10 years and we have many cases that prove the effectiveness of working together.

How can chiropractic help?

There are three main issues that can be helped by seeing a chiropractor combined with using an in-show device to help you run and stay active without pain and injury.

  1. Pelvic imbalance, SI joint problems or sciatic nerve irritations. This is typically presented as one sided low back pain that can refer into the leg and even create knee or calf pain. Chiropractic adjustments specifically get the pelvis and SI joints moving and with support from the ground up this is your best chance of staying balanced.

  2. Muscle spasm, poor firing, imbalance, tightness and muscle pain. Chiropractors are better known for spinal manipulation working on the nervous system - not working with muscles - but this is where many people are helped by us, after months of massage or stretching once the blockages are removed from the spine your body has better control of your muscles and many aches and pains disappear.

  3. Leg length difference - we don't normally recommend heel lifts unless you have a proven and significant leg length difference. It is common to have 1cm difference, this functionality can be helped with chiropractic corrective adjustments.

Bryan Thirsk DC


HRV and Chiropractic


Thoughtful Thursday - November 3rd