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Bryan's November Update

Hi guys,

Bryan Thirsk here. Are we really just about a month away from Christmas. OMG! How time flies when you're busy and having fun. It's been a jam-packed month for me, both in clinic and amongst my various activities.

On the sporting front, I've officially started my inline hockey season. Donning red, white and black, I'm now playing for powerhouse team The Cruisers, competing in the top english league premiership division. This is definitely the best team I have played for in many years, and my job will be to provide some stability on defence while scoring a few timely goals. I definitely think we have a team to both win the league and vie for the National Championship, and I am genuinely excited about how well we could do this year.

In addition this month, I've been up north to Sheffield to trial for Team GB. The competition is always fierce up there, and you have to remember that each year a new crop of very talented players becomes eligible, making it that bit harder to make the team. I've got my fingers crossed I'll be selected this year, the World Cup is taking place in Asiago, Italy in mid June!

I am is still running but taking a few weeks hiatus to shore up a wee Achille's strain. With my current 6-mile run PB at 6:36-minute miles, I'm still hoping to meet my target of 6:30-minute miles, and will aim to achieve this goal before the year's out.

In mid October, I had my mother over for a visit. She's amazing! 75 years old and still water skis! Not to mention she's up for anything and very active, so we always have a great time when she makes the trip over to see us. In addition to a few local faves such as the Tate Modern and Windsor Castle, we also took her to Wakehurst Gardens in Ardingly, West Sussex.

This is Kew Gardens' wilder, but no less big or beautiful, sibling. A stunning outdoor place, and the site of the Millennium Seed Bank (a very important eco-preservation project). I absolutely love Wakehurst, and would highly recommend it to all nature lovers. I'll admit that I actually prefer the wild beauty of Wakehurst to the more manicured appearance of Kew Gardens. The good news is that if you're a member of Kew Gardens, you also get in to Wakehurst anytime you want, which is great. I think we'll be heading out to Wakehurst this year see the Glow Wild lanterns and also the Christmas Lights exhibition. Go on, get outside and check it out.

Over the last month, my favourite movie was definitely Bohemian Rhapsody. Even if you're not a Queen fan (really?!?), the story of Freddie Mercury is amazing and inspiring, albeit super tragic in the end for such a huge talent.

My favourite book this month is one I picked up at Wakehurst (on my mother's recommendation!) called "The Hidden Life of Trees" by Peter Wohlleben. I have to say it is a fantastic read, and you will never look at trees, forests, or the natural world again in the same way. Did you know that trees breathe, feel pain, can learn, and actually warn each other of danger and impending threats? Did you know trees are social beings, that nurture their young, care for their weak and sick, and engage in regular communication through electrical impulses and chemical messengers (just like humans do with our nerves and hormones)? If that sort of thing blows your mind a bit, then get this book. Incredible!

I want to say thanks to friend and patient Shula W for her great recommendation that I take my mum to Great Fosters in Egham (near Windsor). This gorgeous period estate with fantastic ornamental gardens is also a "Mecca" for those who love the quintessentially english "afternoon tea". Great for a lovely afternoon out. And if that weren't enough, they also have the best Gin & Tonic Menu I have ever seen!

In addition to making great recommendations for afternoon tea, some of you may recognise Shula W as the owner of Profeet in Fulham - definitely the place to go for foot and ankle issues, for custom insoles and performance running shoes, and also for custom ski boot fittings. These guys are great, and you will be blown away with both their running and ski assessment technology!

Congratulations to Jamie Murray and Bruno Soares on making the semi-finals of this year's ATP Final at the O2 here in London. Although suffering a heartbreaking defeat to the #1 ranked team, Jamie and Bruno played extremely well and dispatched many other highly ranked teams along the way. Having watched Jamie and Bruno in the last month, I'd say they are in very good form and looking strong for the upcoming Australian Open which takes place in January. Go Jamie!

Many patients have been asking whether Putney Chiro will be open over the Christmas break and whether I'll be around to see patients. The answer is YES and YES! I'll be working my normal week in the week before Christmas. In the week after Christmas, I'll be in clinic on Thursday 27th December all day. Post New Year's week, I'll be in clinic on Thursday and Friday, the 3rd and 4th of January.

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Have a great month everyone! Break out the mulled wine...