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Winter Blues - keeping positive during the winter

Do you like it when it is cold, grey and rainy outside? Spending time at home with some movies, blankets and hot chocolate.

Sounds like heaven, right?

But don't some of us also feel blue? Fatigued? Tired? Sad?

I like movies, especially the animation kind and one I watched recently was Disney’s 'Inside Out'. One of the emotions characterised was sadness. When all the others are more active and eager to do stuff she holds a phlegmatic and melancholic position in the background and her colour could be none other than blue.

How many of you feel like this?

With it being winter I see this in a lot of people. But it is not always just you and there is an actual term for what many of you are experiencing.

S.A.D.: Seasonal Affective Disorder

SAD affects about 2 Million people every Winter in the UK but what characterizes it and how banish those winter blues?

Many people can experience:

  1. Change in appetite

  2. Concentration problems

  3. Sleep problems

  4. Fatigue

  5. Lethargy

  6. Hopelessness or sometimes even despair

But how to change all these gloomy sensations and make the inner joy come to life even in the dark and cold days of the year? A lot can be helped with a few little tricks.


Exercise. Easy and simple. Whether it is a cycle in Richmond Park or going to the gym to push and lift some weights. It does not only give you a change of scenery but your body will also release serotonin, the happy hormone. It is a win-win. Serotonin is good for your health but also make you feel more upbeat for the rest of the day. If you are not sure about what exercises to do, try some from our webpage to get you started.


With it being so dark, we often don't want to go outside. We miss social interaction with our friends. So invite them over for a cuppa or make a point of saying yes to invitations. Bonding and talking again helps us have a brighter mood. If your family and loved ones are far away like mine, use technology.

Today, ring up your family or a friend and tell them why you are grateful they are in your life. If you are unsure why watch this before you do it.


It is too easy to reach for sweet nothings. Especially when our brain, a glucose hungry organ, moves your hands into the treat cupboard.

The sugar highs and downs are best avoided.

But please do eat lots of oily fish, avocado and ideally make sure you take some Vitamin D supplement. Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin and between October to March, there is not enough sunshine in the UK for our skin to produce sufficient levels of it.

If you find yourself struggling to get going in the morning why not try some of these breakfast suggestions to help you seize the day.


Turn up the volume and listen and dance to your favourite upbeat songs. Music has a special effect on our brain. If seen under an MRI when one performs a task (speaking, thinking, moving) a certain area of the brain will light up. When listening to music pretty much the whole brain from the cerebellum at the front to the occiput at the back glow like fireworks. There is nothing more stimulating and up-lifting.

My personal favourites at the moment are playlists of George EzraPentatonix and KT Tunstall.

The winter months can be used as a time to refocus, replan and prepare to then start with lots of new energy when spring hits. Use it and make it your best winter yet. Dare to dream and on that note, I let you go and play some music while you rock around in your PJs drinking a hot chocolate.

Warm hugs!