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Mindful Monday - June 22nd

Good morning one and all and welcome to this week's edition of Mindful Monday from our little corner of the world…

“Discipline and focus turn ordinary results into extraordinary ones.”

- Shane from Farnam Street

Another week, another "insert something suitably mind-bending," and you'd be forgiven for thinking that it's enough to just get by. And in many respects, for many people, this is very true. But perhaps with a little planning, a little time, and a little thought, we can make this week a particularly good one.

So grab a pen and paper or open up your note app on your handheld device and let's get started!


What are you going to eat this week? Are you eating for entertainment or nutrition and function? Or preferably both? Dig out your favourite recipes, ask your partner and/or kids what they love and make a meal plan together.


What would a successful week of exercise look like? It might be making a start towards a regular routine, or perhaps it's expanding or tweaking your existing one. Regardless, make a note of what you're going to do and when you're going to do it. (It's wise to correlate this with your meal plan, as an early morning workout after a heavy meal the night before might not be the kindest thing to put yourself through…)


What are the 3 most important things that need to be done this week? Rank them. What are the 3 most urgent things that need to be done this week? (These may overlap with your important items.) Rank them. From these, pick the one thing that if you were to only get it done, the week would be a success, and by getting this one thing done you automatically take care of a bunch of other stuff too. Then make a plan to get it done – who do you need to reach out to, what info do you still need etc. – and get cracking. Try to delegate, reschedule or reframe the rest.


What will you do this week to recharge? When? Where? Book it in your diary/calendar and stick to it. You're important enough to schedule some time off.

Try to figure out what may derail any of these best laid plans and come up with strategies to overcome these hurdles ahead of time. There will be challenges.

And now…Reach for the stars with this guide to creating your own night sky. Aim high.

Follow and contribute to this walking route map of the UK. Take it slow.

Check out this 3-year-old learning a new skateboard trick. Stick at it.

How will you measure your life? This is an extended read (5-10 mins) from Harvard Business Review that highlights the importance of consistently living the values we hold dear. Reflect.

Big love,

Luke x