How can I best prepare for my upcoming marathon?
It is important to stay hydrated to get the true detox effect in the tissues. Aim for at least 2.5L to help flush out the toxins.
A balanced diet with protein, healthy fats and carbohydrates helps build tissue and replenish the energy stores. Taking gels or simple foods on your longer runs will help you avoid that crash in energy.
Start with dynamic stretches and mobility work to get your body ready for the run to minimise chance of injury. Make sure to include a cool down to help remove lactic acid build up. Check out Paul Danford’s blog on warming up and cooling down for more tips.
Use this chance to get outdoors, visit parks, and discover new scenic places. Changing up your runs throughout the week with distance, speed, hills, and interval training will not only allow your body to better adapt but keep you stimulated mentally.
Having regular adjustments and massages with the Chiro.London team can help with recovery and optimising the body’s function with changes in your training programme.
Aim for 8 hours of sleep to allow your body to rest, recover and be ready to attack the next day!