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Mindful Monday - July 26th

Good morning wonderful people!

How’s summer treating you?
How are you treating summer?

Not sure if you’ve noticed, but time is moving along pretty quickly these days, in spite of “everything”. Let this be your friendly reminder to spend some time planning your summer so you have time to spend later.

And breathe.

Worldly sounds
Travel remains pretty high on most people’s wish lists but still comes with many challenges. Timber Festival has collated noise from nature from all over the world for people to use and enjoy however they see (hear?) fit. Explore nature from around the world here.

How to succeed
Warren Buffett is regarded by many as the best investor in the history of investing. Here he shares his thoughts and tips for keeping things simple to be successful. Easy principles we can all apply now. Thanks, Wozza.

Drink your garden
Well, perhaps some of it anyway! Fabulous teas may well be growing under your very own nose without you knowing it, according to this fun (and beautiful) book.

Side note: Purchasing books through is a great way to support local bookshops while Bezos is living his best life in space…

Fancy food at home
Noma has been (and still is by many) regarded as the best restaurant in the world. Dining at the Copenhagen-based culinary juggernaut may be just out of reach for most people but fear not – Noma is launching a line of products including fermented sauces that were once popular in ancient Rome. Retro chic coming to your kitchen. Cheers, René.

A quote and a thought…
“We thought dogs would behave like children under age 5 and apes, but now we speculate that perhaps dogs can understand when someone is being deceitful.”
- Ludwig Huber

Yep, dogs can tell when you’re lying. Not sure if this is particularly useful information but consider yourself forewarned. Read more here in New Scientist.

Make some plans, smile, and have a great week!

Thanks for reading,
Luke X