Maximising and fulfilling your potential through chiropractic treatment

So you’ve all heard the story about how we only use 10% of our brain’s potential, right? And that if we could somehow unlock the other 90% it would be a huge jump forward in human evolution.

Unfortunately, this is one of the biggest and most popular myths when it comes to understanding our brains. The truth is, brain scans in healthy brains show the whole organ is used and firing with activity. We’re already using all of our brains. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean we’re using our brains, or our bodies for that matter, to the height of their potential.As chiropractors, we face a similar myth. Most people you speak to will tell you chiropractors help people with back pain, neck pain or posture issues. Sure, these are all reasons why people turn to a chiropractor for help. Yet regular chiropractic adjustments are much more than simply helping the body deal with pain more effectively.In fact, regular tune-ups are used by people the world over to help maximise potential. Look at it this way; chiropractic treatment doesn’t remove all pain the first time round, but it can be the catalyst the body needs to turbo-charge its ability to heal.Take controlThe body is controlled by the central nervous system and the central nervous system is housed in the spine. This system is the communication network between our brains and our bodies. Any disruption in this network is going to have an affect on the how our internal communication system performs.So when this system is blocked, we’re going to be hindering our body’s ability to function properly. This means we’ll heal slower, we’ll move less freely and when it comes to the brain, we could quite possibly be living our day-to-day lives in a fog we didn’t even know was there.The nervous system controls every function in every organ of our bodies. This list runs into the thousands but as a starter this would include digestion, attention, balance, posture, breathing, heart rate, hormone production and immune response. The better the brain and the nervous system can function, the better the body will function.Chiropractic ensures that, through regular adjustments, this communication system is not just operating without blockages but improving all the time. When this is coupled with a lifestyle that includes regular exercise, good nutrition and a healthy dose of mindfulness, the effect is profound.Walking taller, smiling broaderIn the words of our patients, the Pryor family: “We don’t keep coming back because they don’t fix the problem. We do it because it helps us stay well. We’ve lost count of the amount of times one or all of us has left feeling better, walking taller, breathing better but, most of all, smiling broader.”Of course, if you’re in pain, we will help restore your function and your natural ability to heal so you’ll be pain-free in the short-term and the long-term. But we’d also love to see you if you’re not in pain, if you want your body to function to the height of its potential and you want to realise the best version of yourself.Yes, it’s a myth that we only use 10% of our brains. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have room to grow, develop and improve. We’re all designed to be extraordinary. Helping people do this and exceed their own expectations is one of the main reasons we love our jobs.

One year on at Tooting Chiropractic


Perfecting posture at Royal Ascot