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Monday Motivation - October 29th

Hey all,

I hope you liked the cameo Monday Motivation last week from Liam, look out for future guest appearances from other Chiro.London team members in the coming months.

1. I found myself eating salad the other day that had been grown in an underground tunnel in Clapham. Ingenious idea using hydroponics sustainably. Here is their web site  and here is a cool TEDx talk given by the founder, Richard Ballard. It appears this is not just a gimmick to sell rocket in Waitrose but actually a new way to bring sustainable agriculture to the city!

2. Winter is coming and if, like me you, love a cheeky ski trip you may be shocked to hear of the fire last month at the main lift station in Chamonix - have a look at some terrifying video of the fire. Thankfully no one was injured.

3. A completely random and off topic question someone posed to me last week and I didn’t know the answer. ‘Who is next in line to the throne? Can you name the next 10 in order?’ Well I now can! (PS - Eugenie is 9th and Princess Charlotte 4th!)

4. A client of mine last week was spotted wearing a Pickle London sweat top. Bright in colour and with the word Happy blazoned across the front. A £5’er is donated to MIND charity for every sweat top sold! Another cool bit of social enterprise. Thanks for the heads up Charlotte!

5. Finally, did you ever get shown that movie clip from 1977 called The Power of Ten?  It was a 'beyond its time clip' that zooms out from Earth to beyond our galaxy and then back in again to view microscopic atoms and DNA. Check it out.

And, I didn’t know this, but the chap behind this movie is the same Charles and Ray Eames behind the cult furniture designs of the 1970s - their story here.

