Mindful Monday - December 7th

Hello and happy post lockdown 2.0, pre-festive season, mid-December weirdness.

This year has been beyond anything that anyone could have expected or predicted. It's been one hell of a rollercoaster but we're nearing the end of what will be an unforgettable 2020.

Like many of us, the world is now different and may never go back to how it once was. It seems like every day we're given more news or guidelines that will impact how we live and what we can do. It can feel like life is happening to us and maybe not for us.

Thankfully, we're a resilient bunch and we adapt. We still look for the good in others, the common ground we all share, and know that this season of change will pass, leaving in its wake new opportunities to grow, serve and explore. And this is cause for optimism.

Useful mantra: Life happens for me - I see opportunities to grow and serve all around me.


One of the many things I'd been procrastinating over this year was sprouting. This week I finally took the plunge and sprouted some mixed seeds in Mason jars and it was easy! Not only are they tasty and nutritious, but the process reminded me that with a little love and consistency, nature will shine through. Plus they make a great science experiment for the little ones.

Read more here. Buy stuff here.


Remember the sourdough phase of lockdown 1.0? (It was just after the Tiger King phase.)Well for those of you who are still interested in baking, here's a lovely Carrot & Cashew Nut Loaf recipe from the folk over at Form Nutrition that doesn’t require you to have mastered the sourdough phase.

Oh I do love those baking smells, too!


The humble straw. They used to be everywhere, used once and discarded without a second thought. Now we have metal straws, paper straws or are simply encouraged not to use straws at all.But wait! Equo have developed a range of sustainable straws made from coconut, rice, sugarcane and grass that are compatible with hot liquids, biodegradable, sustainable and, in some cases, even edible. You’ll never think about plastic straws again.

Real or fake?

As our world continues to change at a rapid pace, the quest for reliable information is becoming more and more complicated. The NY Times dove deep into the weird world of fake photos and offered a few pointers for spotting the pretenders. Amazing. Terrifying.

“Nothing is a greater impediment to being on good terms with others than being ill at ease with yourself.”

Honoré de Balzac

Right on, Balzac.

As always, thank you for reading and for your kind comments and suggestions. Have a stunning week.

Big love,

Luke X


Thoughtful Thursday - December 10th


Thoughtful Thursday - December 3rd