The connection between chiropractic and sleep quality

A potential link between chiropractic care and sleep quality has been indicated through some studies on the subject, with individuals undergoing chiropractic care reporting improvements in their sleeping habits. While more extensive research is ongoing, participants in these studies noted enhancements in their sleeping patterns, including better quality and longer duration of sleep.

So how can chiropractic care assist in improving sleep quality? The following benefits of chiropractic care could contribute to the connection…

1. Pain reduction. Chiropractic care primarily focuses on joint dysfunction and misalignments that can cause discomfort and pain. Alleviating tension in the spine with chiropractic adjustments can potentially help individuals fall asleep more easily and stay asleep longer without disruptions caused by discomfort.

2. Stress and tension relief. A dysfunctional spine can affect the nervous system, leading to increased stress and tension. Chiropractic adjustments aim to help these dysfunctional joints in the spine, potentially reducing stress levels and promoting relaxation, making it easier to unwind before bedtime.

3. Improved body function. A well-aligned spine supports the optimal function of the nervous system. This enhanced function can positively impact various bodily functions, including those that regulate sleep, such as the sleep-wake cycle and overall relaxation response.

Chiropractic care often aligns with a holistic approach to wellbeing, addressing the root cause of discomfort rather than merely treating symptoms. In conjunction with chiropractic adjustments, incorporating other healthy lifestyle practices can further enhance sleep quality. These practices may include maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, managing stress levels, and fostering a sleep-conducive environment.

For individuals experiencing sleep disturbances, seeking consultation with a chiropractor can be beneficial. Your practitioner can evaluate your spinal health, discuss sleep-related concerns, and create a personalised plan that may include adjustments tailored to improving sleep quality.

If you have any questions about how chiropractic could help improve your sleep quality, feel free to contact us.


Weight training, gains, and chiropractic


Thoughtful Thursday - Issue 99.5