Mindful Monday - July 5th

Hello, good morning and happy Monday!

July?! Wow. Bring on summer!

However you look at it, “it’s” been a long, challenging, 18-odd months and a lot of people are exhausted. Maybe you’ve noticed, but exhausted people don’t always make the most fantastic decisions. Maybe that includes us. Perhaps if we all allow ourselves a little more time, a little more compassion, we’ll be more likely to extend the same generosity to others. Maybe.

Take a breath.
You’re doing great – or at least better than you give yourself credit for.
Everyone is trying… at least most of the time!

Shower Thought
“When you drink alcohol, you are just borrowing happiness from tomorrow.”

Harsh, but fair.

What do you get when you cross…
A NASA scientist with a priest?

You get Pamela Conrad, thankfully. Asking and contemplating the biggest of questions is both a blessing and a privilege – Pamela has made a living of doing just this. Wired sat down with her and picked her brain (and heart) to try and understand how she balances science, faith and the quest for truth. Read their interview here.

London taxis and campervans!?
Yep, the company that brings us London’s black cabs have branched out and hope to make the great outdoors more accessible. LEVC are now making campervans – or the e-Camper as it will be known. Register your interest here and get ready to get out there!

Magical flaxseed
Sometimes it feels like there are more superfoods than there are meals and tracking them all down and eating them is a full-time job. It really shouldn’t be this hard, right? Thankfully there are still plenty of easy-to-find foods that help you be a better you. Ground flaxseed is definitely one of these, and you can add it to pretty much any meal you like. Great for your heart, cholesterol and blood pressure, consider adding a spoonful to your next meal and dive deeper here.

Bees are so great. They’re awesome. I love them so much and thankfully I’m not alone. These little miracle workers are getting some love from all over the world to help them do their thing and support our food chain. Here are 5 projects making a difference to our little friends this year.

Music tip
This one comes direct from our digital master Tommy Tonkins in Cornwall, who somehow manages to find amazing new music while smashing out crazy CrossFit workouts while looking after our online presence and replying to my very rookie website questions.

I Love You. It’s a Fever Dream. by The Tallest Man On Earth.
Summer vibes, right there. Thank you, TT.

Have a smashing week everyone!

Big love,
Luke X


Thoughtful Thursday - July 8th


Thoughtful Thursday - July 1st