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Thoughtful Thursday - June 6th

WELCOME BACK! This month’s Thoughtful Thursday has a lil bit of gossip, a lil bit of learning, and Tom's Treasures has a Refer a Friend offer to help y’all out pre-summer! LET’S GOOOO!

Clinic Updates & Happenings
We are starting our summer work experience programme again. We do this each year to break things up for our assistants as a working holiday at another practice. Do say hi to any new faces you see, and apologies for any lil glitches that may happen while they are learning.

AXA PPP: unfortunately we are having a couple of issues with this at the moment, but please be assured we are working through them. It means you can still come and see us, but you may not be able to claim back.

We can only apologise and let you know a lot of work is going on behind the scenes to get it sorted ASAP. If you have any queries or concerns, please do contact AXA to clarify, and speak with your clinic, and we will do what we can to look after you until it is resolved.

I've left this till last as it is depressing me greatly, but after being with us from basically day dot at Tooting, Michael is hanging up his activator at Chiro London.

THANK YOU so much for all the help, the laughs, the tiramisu, and ALL the coffee!!

He will be on the tools until mid-July before changing course a little and switching from adjusting humans to adjusting animals! We will let you know all the details when we have them.

Holidays & Changes with Andrea
You can find when your chiro is off soaking up some vitamin D here on our website! We update it regularly, so simply check the page to see your clinic’s current opening times.

Socials & Learning at Home with Matilda
The team have been working hard on adding further education to complement your care. They will feature each month here, but the best way to find them is by following our social channels, where they’ll feature as soon as they go live.

This month…

The Chiro.London Pod, proudly fuelled by Ground Coffee Society, has had a couple of new episodes drop! These are mostly for the chiros that follow us, but worth a listen if you’d like to delve deeper into the science of chiropractic.

First up, Craig chats with Laurence Tham about the importance of change. Then he talks to Katrina Ordonez, a coach from one of the US biggest chiropractic groups, Chiro One (where we stole Bailey and her amazing art from!).

As always, these and the back catalogue can be found on our website, Spotify, Apple and Google.

Tom's Treasures (aka Shameless Plug)
We all have that one person in our life who could benefit from chiropractic care. Encouraging them to come in for a visit, however, is another thing entirely - even though this person may say time and time again, “I really should get myself booked in to see that chiropractor of yours,” it never feels like the best time.

Well, good news! We are making it easy for them and offering a little present for you both!

For the entire month of June, Chiro London is offering 50% off all Initial Consultations for anyone referred in by existing clients.

And the joy isn’t just for new clients - as a way of saying “thank you” for spreading the good word of Chiro London, we are also happy to offer a 50% discount on your next visit once they've had their initial consult.

It’s a win-win, and our way of rewarding you for your continued support. 😊

WOW! Another MEGA month! Good luck to all our exam takers, and those taking a beach holiday at an ungodly hour from a regional airport! Keep moving, don’t burn and turn, enjoy a cold beer on a hot day but stay hydrated, and we will see you all next month.


P.S. For anyone attending any fancy events and in need of something chic for their head, please visit our friends at the Chapeau! pop-up on Mount Street in Mayfair. It’s on until June 15th and features over 120 head-turning hats!