Pregnancy is a special, unique, and personal time in a woman’s life. We recognise every pregnancy journey is different and has specific needs. Every mother needs a strong support network on this journey, and we are proud that so many mums-to-be choose us to be on their team.
Many people think chiropractic is just a way of treating back pain when, in fact, the reality is very different.
Chiropractic care in pregnancy creates balance by ensuring the mother’s spine and nervous system can function at their optimal capacity. This is vital because, as the baby grows, the mother’s body makes incredible changes to adapt, accommodate and nurture the precious cargo.
The body is simply amazing, and chiropractic can provide that extra care to release any restrictions and enable the body to do what it does best.
When to see a chiropractor
Conception to 12 weeks (1st trimester)
This stage is all about keeping the mums brain and body connected as it its the 1st trimester that all the magic of life creation happens.
12 weeks to 28 weeks (2nd trimester)
Brain and body and postural changes begin – perfect time to make sure all parts of your spine and muscluloskeletal system are relaxed so baby positioning is optimal.
28 weeks to 40 weeks (3rd trimeseter)
Brain and body, postural changes, strain and stress on all pelvic and spinal structures. Sometimes late into the 3rd trimester you may find that your baby is breech and emergency sessions are needed to help you relax to help the baby turn.
Having a balanced and relaxed muscluloskeletal system helps to provide an uncomplicated labour.
Back Exercises
Check out our exercises you can do at home to strengthen your back and body.
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