Yoga & Pilates

Yoga, pilates and chiropractic all share a common theme: alignment. In order to be at your best to practise either discipline to your full potential, a balanced body is essential.

Chiropractic moves and aligns your body in very specific areas by producing precise adjustments and isolating the exact segments causing restrictions. This simultaneously stimulates your nervous system, energising your body and encouraging the specific joints to regain the correct position, strength and movement patterns.

The slow and precise movements of both disciplines further enhance your body alignment by stimulating, stretching and strengthening muscles, encouraging the functional coordination of your whole spine and body to move in harmony. These movements not only encourage functional groups of muscles to work together, but also small, focused segments of the body that can be restricted or hyper-mobile due to imbalances.

When used in tandem with chiropractic, it’s not uncommon to see vast improvements in back pain, neck stiffness, tight shoulders, weak knees or any other structural issues, along with a reduction in physical, mental and emotional stress.


For those who are focused on creating a body that operates at its full potential, these combinations are a powerful transformational product – especially if you are reaching a plateau with your fitness performance. Many top-level athletes, including professional basketballers, footballers, hockey and tennis players and golfers, incorporate yoga and/or pilates into their fitness routines to increase flexibility and help prevent injury. By adding in regular chiropractic adjustments to further assist with alignment, imagine how much your practice can improve, how flexible you can become and how quickly you can achieve your fitness goals.


Looking for a place to practise? We recommend…

Back Exercises

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