My second adjustment - dehydrated

I'm keen to get to know lots of the different members of the team and also to see if people stick to the same techniques or do things differently. So I had my second adjustment with Abie. Abie's been at Putney Chiro for over a year now - she was telling me that this is the longest she's stuck at a job and it's because she likes the clinic and the team so much.My neck was sore after lifting a friend on my shoulders at a concert last night. Abi's technique was similar to Craig's but she did a bit of a pinchy thing up my back (felt quite nice!) and she did some thing where on the bed she pushed a pedal that lifted it up and then dropped my hips down (n.b. must find out what that does). I was slightly resisting the cricking of my neck today, I'm not sure why... I think it was due to being tired (hungover) and being a little more sensitive than usual.On standing up after the session I felt pretty light headed - again I put this down to the hangover.Things to take away from this session - probably best to avoid having lots of drinks the night before and also to try to relax into it a little more. I must remember that they are professionals - they're not going to 'break me' as I asked in the first session.N.B. I have since asked Craig about going to the Chiropractor hungover and what his thoughts are on it. Apparently lots of us do it... Going to the Chiropractor hungover means you'll be dehydrated, you'll have probably slept heavily and your body will be full of toxins. The combination of all of these will bring to the surface all of your problems (I'd like to think this is kind of good as really shows your problem areas - ever the optimist!). Being dehydrated, your body will slightly be going into lockdown which is why I would have been resisting to Abie when she was trying to adjust me. The combination of working in an office and the strain that puts on our bodies, along with booze means going to the Chiropractor will only help your body deal with it.... On that note I'm signing up for Sober October, time to give my body a break!Post second adjustment - hungover from Jessica Rees on Vimeo.


Monday Motivation - September 18th


How can I care for my spine during pregnancy?