Monday Motivation - September 18th

Hi again!I hope you’re settling back into a wonderful routine after a summer break.Have you integrated anything new into your schedule?Now would be an excellent time to start :)Jim Carey has, he paints.Yep, he does.He acts and is known for being very funny but he too reached a point where he needed something new.  Turns out he needed colour (6:19).Creative confidence in kidsGoing back to school is an ideal time to refocus on nurturing kids’ creative genius.Here’s a wonderful piece (10 min read) exploring how we can help kids be creative and love it!Be bored.Some may find this easier than others, but it turns out that being bored is rare these days and it’s a crucial part of being creative. Really.So retraining ourselves not to reach for the iPhone every spare second it worth the effort.This explains (5 min read).Learning techniquesBack to school, back to work… what a great time to fine tune your learning skills!Here’s a great read (5 mins) with insights on how to retain more from what you read.What’s your favourite book?Cassini Burns into SaturnBoom.Literally.For those who don’t know, Cassini is a probe (? … I’m going with probe) that has been traveling through space since 1997 (what were you doing in 1997?) and has been collecting data - primarily about Saturn.It discovered a couple of oceans on Titan and Enceladus (Moons of Saturn - I looked it up), 6 new moons and took a few pics (453,048).Unlike ours, it’s mission finished dramatically last week, check this (4:42 min) out, it’s amazing.Over & out,LukeXPs. Our mission is to make amazing Chiropractic care easy for Londoners btw…


My Chiropractic Journey - third adjustment


My second adjustment - dehydrated