Monday Motivation - November 19th

Hey Guys,

The end of the year is getting closer and closer BUT there’s still time to build some healthy habits that can help you navigate the looming silly season with aplomb!!

Here are some new favourite apps and articles that I hope you find interesting and useful, enjoy :)

1. How to stay fit for ever. Well if this isn’t worth a read I don’t know what is!!

2. I’ve been using this ROMWOD app to guide me through a mobility session everyday for over a week now and I’m loving it! Thank you Carl for sharing :)

3. I must have downloaded at least 5 different calendar apps - Minimal Calendar is my current favourite. It’s simple, clean and bold!

4. However… it still may be time to finally breakup with your phone, or at least ditch a couple of social media apps. Read this to find out how.

5. We see a lot of people who regularly bounce between different time zones, it can be hard. Changing the clocks offers a little insight into what’s happening when our bodies move around the world. Read this about a time travelling dinosaur...

“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.”
— Jack Kornfield

Have a great week and be nice to yourself and each other. 

Big love,
Luke X


Bryan's November Update


Monday Motivation - November 12th