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New Year New You 2019

On January 23rd, 2019 Chiro.London and Putney Chiropractic ran our annual “New Year, New You” session to help start your new year on the right note. New year’s resolutions can sometimes be thought of as a stressful and negative influences taking the fun out of life, but the start of a new year can also be a great chance to focus on ‘you’ in a positive way. This year we were fortunate to be introduced to Ben Bidwell, aka The Naked Professor, by Lawrence Price (@lawrenceprice_), who spoke at our 2018 “New Year, New You” series.

Ben was brought up in a family with two older brothers, the environment was very predominantly masculine where you didn’t really talk about your feelings. As he grew up he felt that he was, to quote, “dead inside” and hadn’t experienced real love. It was only when he hit his 30s he realised something was missing.

Ben spoke about how we have mind, body and soul - and how everyone focuses on their mind and body but seems to forget the ‘soul’ part. Ben feels that our society as a whole misunderstands happiness and what we need to do to be truly happy. We interpret ‘happiness’ as a quick, instantly-gratifying, fix, such as the feeling that we get when we buy a new car or a new dress, for example. But the feeling of happiness we garner from that is short-lived and just leaves us craving more.

He suggests instead we should be focusing on fulfilment, as the feeling of being fulfilled will bring us a happiness that will last much longer and feed your soul. It was hugely interesting concept and there were lots of other areas that Ben touched on.

An example of fulfilment was the case of Steve, the homeless man that Ben set about to help get off the streets. Ben had taken Steve some clothes and blankets one day and sat down to chat to him and find out more about how he found himself in the situation he was in. Steve had become homeless through a series of unfortunate events, he wasn’t a drunk, he doesn’t do drugs and he was professionally qualified. Without an address he couldn’t get a job so he found himself on the streets trying to get enough money each day to put a roof over his head that night.

Ben set up a JustGiving page and between that and the proceeds from our event, enough money (£750) was raised for Steve to put a deposit on a flat for him to move into! A truly fantastic cause and a brilliant example of fulfilment.

If you’d like to find out more about The Naked Professor, check out his Instagram or take a listen to his podcasts.