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Monday Motivation - February 11th

Hi everyone,

Craig here introducing the next 'guest star' to our Monday Motivation emails. This week, Luke Mulvihill, is the man behind the wheel. Take it away, Luke M…

Hi folks, it’s Luke Mulvihill from the Chiro.London Marylebone clinic here, guest editor of this week’s Monday Motivation. Like many of our Chiropractors, I’m also originally from Australia (growing up in Adelaide and studying in Sydney), and moved to the UK in 2005.

Here are a few things that have caught my attention lately, and I hope these little snippets add value and interest to your week, too.

1. After a wonderful festive season in Australia with family and friends, followed by a very ‘wet’ January, my wife and I have decided to partake in “Fitness February”. We have given ourselves three weeks to get fitter, tone up and lose a few pounds. With our own work schedules and two kids to keep us amused, there’s often not a lot of time left in a day to exercise, so we have employed the three-minute workout concept detailed in the BBC documentary called The Truth about Exercise. Check out a snippet here. We also found this great little ‘at home routine’ to get us pumped. I’ll let you know how we get on…

2. With our global population expected to hit around 10 billion people by the year 2050, my family and I have also decided to decrease our meat intake and include more vegetarian meals into our week. It isn’t as hard as you may think. And as well as being more nutritious, the meals we have come across have been really yummy. Here’s a great website full of delicious recipes that are easy and earth-friendly.

3. Whilst helping my daughter with a “Blue Planet” school project this week, I discovered a statistic that shocked me. By the year 2050, scientists from the Ellen McArthur foundation expect that, by weight, there will be as much plastic in the ocean as there are fish!

Single use plastics are the biggest concern and we can all play our part by reducing the amount of plastics we purchase and by recycling more of the plastics we buy. Although the problem is steadily growing, there are efforts to clean our oceans and I reckon they deserve our support.

4. With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, I was reminded of an online story I read a while ago regarding the power of hugs. Brielle and Kyrie Jackson were born 12 weeks premature in 1995 and were placed in separate incubators, as was commonplace at the time. When Brielle’s health started to deteriorate, a nurse decided to put the twins together in the same incubator so they could say goodbye. What happened next has become known as “The Hug That Changed Medicine.”

Whether or not you receive hugs on Valentine’s Day, don’t let today or tomorrow go by without giving someone you know, love or appreciate a hug. Apart from your time, a genuine hug is one of the most generous things you can give. And it’s free!! If you’re not convinced, here are some more fun facts about hugs.

Happy Monday morning to you all, and thanks for reading!

Luke M