A Mars a Day...

How many of you remember the advert, “A Mars a day helps you work, rest and play”? Sadly, I do!

However, eating one Mars Bar a day throughout your life will do none of the above and, due to its sugar content, is highly likely to shorten your life (sorry). In this blog I will endeavour to provide advice relating to your work, rest and play which help you to lead a healthier and more pain-free life.


Apart from the fortunate few, work is an inevitable part of life, whether it is physical and manual work or it involves sitting in an office staring into a computer screen, all have can have an impact on your health.

Avoiding bending/lifting/twisting and prolonged sitting is essential.  It doesn’t matter how careful you are, you have the best office chair money can buy or you drive the best ergonomic vehicle available to ensure good posture, anything done for a prolonged/extended period of time will eventually cause spinal issues.

Keeping mobile and flexible is key to good health.


Rest is so important, whether it’s during the course of the day (especially important for the older patient) or simply sleep. It is vital we all have at least eight hours of sleep a night. It is during sleep that the body takes stock and repairs itself. People who have insufficient sleep don’t get better and in fact tend to be less healthy, suffering more recurring illnesses (coughs and colds etc), including those affecting the spine.

Ideally, you should sleep on your side (usually symptom side up) on a mattress that is not too firm (medium is usually best), in the foetal position, using one large feather pillow under your head (unless a more specialised pillow has been recommended).


Recreation is also important. Whether you visit the gym and “pump iron” three-four times a week or are a “weekend warrior”, exercise maintains circulatory health and increases the production of endorphins (feel good hormone), thereby reducing stress.

Whatever form of exercise you decide to do, remember you should “get fit to play sport and not play sport to get fit”. It is important to choose an exercise that is right for you; doing pilates, the exercises prescribed by your chiropractor to taking a brisk 30-minute walk three times a week can be sufficient.

Exercise is essential to maintain mobility, flexibility, good muscular strength, ensuring optimal circulatory and orthopaedic health.


Resist the Mars Bars and follow the recommendations of your chiropractor relating to your “work, rest and play”. Take care at work, avoid bending, lifting, twisting, prolonged and repetitive activities, maintain good posture (avoid mobile devices, tablets and laptops) and keep mobile. Get sufficient rest, enjoy down time and do regular exercise.

Regular chiropractic visits can help all of the above! Is it time for a check-up?


Monday Motivation - May 13th


Tuesday Tune-Up - May 7th