Monday Motivation - March 23rd

Good morning!

You’re probably spending more time at home these days, and your gym is closed… and the kids are around a bit more often… and your favourite cafe is only doing takeaways… and no one shakes your hand anymore… and flights are really cheap but they won't let you off at the other end… and toilet paper is now a currency, along with pasta (cool), flour (seriously!?) and hand sanitiser (ok…).

Wow. Sooooo… I’d just like to keep it simple and offer you some cool things to hopefully help you (and others) adjust to this new amazing world in which we now live:

Doc Sammy wrote this cool piece about best practices while working from home. Unfortunately, this includes not sitting on the sofa with your laptop (sorry).

Here's my cat playing with a plant. Pets are a constant source of companionship, love and amusement and we need them now more than ever.

Meditate with others, online. This very cool option is offered by the chilled (and clever) folk at the Mindfulness Association and is a great way to stay connected while maintaining your personal space.

We'll all be looking for ways to fill our days given our new circumstances. This guy decided to run a marathon... on his 7-metre balcony!!!

How are you going to exercise at home? Arnie has some tips here on Reddit and Instagram.

There are lots of ways to keep in contact with people other than by messaging and calls. Online gaming (like this simple Chess App or the classic Words with Friends) can be a fun way to interact with your friends and let them know you're thinking of them… while you beat them for the 10th time.

People who live a really long time generally eat pretty well. And I don't just mean super healthy - I'm talking super tasty, too. I built this Minestrone soup from the new Blue Zones cook book and it's fast becoming a favourite. Easy, tasty, nutritious and keeps well.

Not since reading the Harry Potter books each year as they were released have I enjoyed a series as much as Rivers of London. Written by Dr Who collaborator Ben Aaronovich, it follows Constable Peter Grant as he fumbles his way into the London magical police scene. I love reading them (there are eight books so far) but since discovering the audio versions I've listened to all of them (again) and highly recommend them hear (lol) on Audible.

We'll soon be setting up a new page on our website, "The Other C Word", where you'll be able to find all our top tips for navigating this new and evolving time we find ourselves in. In the meantime, please check out our blog for all our latest Other C Word news.

A final note to finish:

“Within you, there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at anytime and be yourself.” 

— Hermann Hesse

Thanks Herman, legend.

Love you guys and please stay home!

Luke X

P.S. Our clinics are still open and will remain so for as long as we can safely provide care to our community. As the NHS is overburdened with Covid-19 cases, we feel obligated to do our part to ease their load by helping people with musculo-skeletal (back) complaints. We will continue to remain open to assist until we're advised otherwise.


Mindful Monday - March 30th


Mental health and environmental factors