Thoughtful Thursday - July 9th

Welcome to another Thoughtful Thursday! This week’s features special guest Luke Mulvihill DC. But first…

Clinic Updates

We remain open and again are adhering to all regulatory guidance as best we can. If you have any feedback on how we are doing on this, good or bad, feel free to email me here. I would love to hear how we are doing – particularly if you have some constructive ways we could improve your experience.

We’d like to welcome Mike McBean DC to the Fulham team to help Sammy Kale DC, who is tweaking her hours slightly. She is also off for a VERY WELL deserved break for the week commencing July 27th. Mike will be in to help you all, along with Ami-Bree Said DC from our Putney clinic.

We are still booking up each week, owing to spacing appointments out, so please do ensure you book in advance where you can, particularly those of you we haven't seen for a while.​ As always, just give your clinic a call or flick them an email and we will do what we can to help you all out.

Podcast(s) of the Week

Tune in to the Chiro.London Instagram story today at 3:30pm to hear Craig have another chat, this time with Gopal Handa DC from Team Kew. Gopal is a South West London native whose first exposure to chiropractic came at a very young age, so he’s sure to have some interesting experiences to share.

If you missed last week’s live chat with new mum Khushboo Patel DC, you can always catch-up via IGTV here, or audibly via our website here.

We’ve heard a whisper there may be some special guest chats from past favourites coming soon, so stay tuned to our Insta as we’ll announce the details there.

Shameless Plug of the Week by Luke Mulvihill DC

I miss gigs and festivals and concerts. Recently, in the absence of the actual Glastonbury, I’ve loved watching the BBC’s coverage of some of the greatest artists that have performed on stage over the last 20-odd years at the world’s most famous music festival. Not only is it amazing to see the energy and talent of the performers, but to observe a crowd of 100,000+ revellers tightly packed together covered in mud, sweating and full of joy! It made me wonder whether live concerts will ever get back to a pre-COVID normality? I certainly hope so.

But in the meantime, I have been introduced to a brilliant app created by one of our Chiro.London clients called MelodyVR. MelodyVR is a virtual reality platform that enables you to enjoy sold-out shows (and even stand on stage!) through your VR headset or mobile. It’s an awesome way to see your favourite gigs from the comfort of... just about anywhere!

Ask the Team

Luke Mulvihill DC also answers your question…

What can I do to make my adjustment more effective?

One of the best ways to make your adjustments more effective or last longer is to follow three basic rules: move better, drink more and think positive.

Most often, it’s beneficial to walk for a while after your adjustment to let gravity help settle your joints and allow your previously out-of-balance biomechanics to reset. Using an ice pack on the adjusted areas is another good tip to aid with recovery and healing by reducing inflammation and improving circulation. Drinking plenty of water pre- and post-treatment also assists with easier and more effective adjustments.

I also like to think that a post-adjustment hug is a good way to release oxytocin and change the way our brains operate by sharing some love, so hug your family when you get home or bring them to the clinic with you so you can hug them afterwards!

Is there something about chiropractic you’d like to know more about? Have a health-related query we might be able to help with? Feel free to fire us back and we will answer it for you and everybody else!

That’s it for another Thursday! Thanks to Luke M for answering the call from last week’s email. I wonder who next week’s unsuspecting guest editor will be… (maybe Dr Dreamboat aka Grant Munro?) All will be revealed next week.

Until then, stay alert, stay safe and stay out of Melbourne? (Sorry Anthea and Bridget!)




Mindful Monday - July 13th


Mindful Monday - July 6th