Mindful Monday - July 6th

Hello and welcome to another week.

Many of us are starting to venture slightly further afield than we have for some time, which can be both exciting and challenging. Has the world changed? Have people changed? Have you changed?

I suspect it's a combination of all three, which makes for new eyes on an ever-evolving world. And I genuinely think this is an exciting prospect indeed.

Need a little more hope? Here's a beautiful short poem – animated and narrated – from TED-Ed for kids, which aims to shine a little light on what's happened and what can grow from here.

This letter from E.B. White is also doing the rounds (again), as it highlights the inherent hope that resides in humankind and why there always will be.

“Refusing to accept inconvenient truths encourages people to lie to you.”

- Shane from FS

Right on, Shane.

Many people have turned their hand to gardening during the past few months and what better way to further encourage wildlife to come and visit than by providing a gorgeous little birdhouse? These milk carton-inspired Nestboxes tick all the boxes!

Speaking of cute, remember cassette players? Here's the cool, updated, modern version of a classic Cassette Player, including Bluetooth, rechargeable battery and, of course, a recording function to make your own mixtape. Cassettes are back. Ideal for a road trip.

Turn rubbish into awesome, just in time for summer. These clever **Aussies have figured out how to make *sunnies out of plastic bottles. One 600ml bottle = one pair of *sunnies. Super smart. Super cool.*

Sunnies = **Aussie for ‘sunglasses’**Aussie = ‘Australian’

Have a great week in this brave (new) world we're in. And remember, some people will be venturing out of their homes for the first time in months, so stay considerate, mindful and helpful. Thank you.

Big love,

Luke X


Thoughtful Thursday - July 9th


Thoughtful Thursday - July 2nd