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Mindful Monday - November 9th

Good morning and happy Monday!

Soooo... it’s lockdown, again, but this time we've got a better idea of what to expect.

We've kinda been here before, kinda got through it before, so we know it'll be ok (for the most part). But it can still be super challenging and most of us will experience a few low points along the way, so PLEASE reach out to us if you need a hand with anything or simply just need a chat.

And on with the random stuff I've dug up this week…

In a bookshop not so far, far away...

Amazon is pretty amazing at getting most things to you really quickly, most of the time. But this amazingness comes at a cost – and not the listed price – as many small bookshops end up missing out on regular sales as we prioritise convenience.

Enter These guys are "the rebel alliance to Amazon's Empire" with a mission to support local and independent bookshops. Start your winter reading adventures here with I Am Pilgrim, the only thriller you need to read this year.

Smart Tattoos

To many people, the idea of getting a tattoo is anything but "smart", but maybe these will sway opinions. These "smart tattoos” may in fact prove to be useful health trackers. Imagine a tattoo that changed colour when your glucose levels spiked or one that measured your hydration? Read more here and be primed for future skin art tech.

Winter healthy habits

No shortcuts to this one, I'm afraid. Remember all those awesome things you did during summer lockdown? The ones that helped you feel great and gave you a sense of control and purpose? Well, now is the time to double down and ensure they're part of your winter routine, too.

Make a list of what worked for you. Pick your top 3 things. Then make a plan for how you'll keep them ticking through winter. (Email me if you need/want help!) You deserve awesome – even when it's cold.

Benefits of Coffee

For all you coffee drinkers, here's further confirmation of just how wise you are! This meta-study has trawled over 200 research papers and came to the conclusion that 3-4 cups of the black stuff can reduce the risk of most of the most common causes of death, including an 18% reduced risk of cancer. Drink up, I guess?!

Cold feet

I'm not talking about getting nervous the night before, but the very real chilly feet likely to hit those who are homeless. Socks are actually the least donated, but perhaps the most needed item homeless shelters need. Jollie Socks are looking to change this by donating a pair of socks for every pair purchased and help keep homeless feet warm. Nice one, guys!

Rock on amazing people, you got this!

Big love,

Luke X