Mindful Monday - September 6th
Good morning, happy Monday – and welcome to the first day of the rest of your life.
“Most geniuses—especially those who lead others—prosper not by deconstructing intricate complexities but by exploiting unrecognized simplicities.”
― Andy Benoit
Nice one Andy, I couldn’t agree more.
How often have you tried to outsmart a situation (or someone) by complicating the issue, only to realise later that there was a much better, simpler option?
Yeah, me too.
Many of life’s pleasures are in fact super simple. Of course, a big fancy holiday with all the trimmings is amazing, or a weekend full of parties and social events can be super fun, but so can watching the world wake up as the sun rises while enjoying a coffee and your favourite album playing.
There are countless simple moments each and every day we can choose to notice and enjoy – what are some of your favourites?
Hot honey
Here’s a fantastic twist on regular honey: kimchi honey. Simple and easy to do, it may just become a new favourite.
Simple ancient maths
Once upon a time, about 2,250 years ago, there was a dude called Eratosthenes. Eratosthenes was a polymath who wondered how big the Earth was so, with the help of the sun, a well, and a stick, he figured that the circumference of the Earth was 40,000 km. Modern science has since measured it to be 40,075 km. Super close, right?!
Read the calculations here. Simple works.
London for dogs
One of the silver linings of the pandemic has been that many more people now have dogs in their lives. As city life begins to return to pre-pandemic vibes, there’s never been a better time to support Four&Sons dog-friendly city guide on Kickstarter. Let the exploration begin.
The Midlife Cyclist
Cycling – and exercising in general – as we age is a crucial component to living well. Our friend and founder of Cycle Fit in London, Phil Cavell, has put together this wonderful book to help debunk the myths and misconceptions of exercising as we age.
Phil’s candour, unique perspective and simmering humour makes this important book a genuine page-turner for anyone interested in staying fit and enjoying exercise for many years to come. Thanks, Phil.
Keep it simple and stay special guys.
Big love,
Luke X