Thoughtful Thursday - March 6th
If I am not mistaken, and I dare not be too hasty and recall the rain, but I do believe spring has sprung? There are daffodils in bloom, buds upon the trees, birdsong in the air, and tables and chairs being arranged for alfresco dining at pubs and restaurants.
Let’s keep the optimism going with a wholesome and seasonal newsletter, shall we? We have social updates from the social media savvy Breno, topical additions from the succulent Tom, and all the latest happenings from the Chiro.London world.
Holidays & Changes with Andrea
Not that much to report on this month, but as always, you can find all the details here on our website.
Breno’s Social Centre
Sydney's Moving Marathon
If you've been keeping up with our Instagram recently, you may have noticed that Sydney has been putting out some real useful content for all of you runners and outdoorsy folks. Now that the days are starting to feel longer, the sun is shining more often, and the will to live has returned after that dark and cold winter, she thought you might like some tips on how to make the most of your days.
In support of the London Marathon this year, Sydney has taken upon herself to provide some weekly content with tips, advice, and information about how to elevate your training sessions – and most importantly, how to do it SAFELY! So keep an eye out for those Monday posts, there’s some really exciting content (and deals!) coming soon.
Tom’s Shameless Plug
Hello all, Tom “The Smith” Smith here with another plug of Chiro.London happenings for the month.
As some readers will know, Chiro.London tries to be more than just another provider in a given community. We try to settle in, take part, and give back where we can.
Whether it be cafe partnerships for staff and patrons, shared offers with local gyms or pilates studios, free posture screenings with local businesses, or the stream of content that we make available via our socials or website. And it need not be on a business level – we’ve been associated with the local rowing clubs, hairdressers/barbers, netball teams, and many more, all because our chiros or staff wanted to give back.
If you run a business or would like to associate with your nearest Chiro.London clinic, then feel free to reach out! We are always looking to spread the good word of chiropractic care and love supporting other local, independent businesses, too.
That will be all for this month. As a parting piece of optimism: whilst it is not yet warm enough to stow away the winter coats and expose our un-sunned elbows to the elements, there is joy to be found in the weather that we have now, as opposed to the weather that (we hope) is to come.
Sure, the morning is too chilly to abandon your scarf, but perhaps let the washing dry outside? It’s true the bbq will likely sit unused for the meantime, but now you can at least crack a window open on a sunny Sunday. And while frost is still found on car roofs at sunrise, I can now hear a woodpecker hammering away as I cycle to work in the mornings…
We’re all looking forward to the approaching summer, but don’t forget the spring!
From my garden to your screen,